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Miele Millefiori

Miele Millefiori

By Tuscany

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After extracting the honey from the combs, it is then filtered, placed in ripeners, and left to settle for 15 days to bring out impurities and air bubbles which are then eliminated.

Wildflower honey production, like that of other single-flower honeys, has long been present in all Tuscan territories and represents one of the principle products sold by farms.

Honey, by its very nature, reproduces the uniqueness of the environment from which it is derived and distills the elements that distinguish it, giving rise to a unique, irreplaceable food.

The different distributors render the nectar into a hodge-podge of different essences from which the wildflower honey is made.

For this reason, every geographical area produces a honey that is characteristic and recognizable. It is excellent for sweets and has always been used as a tonic and an energy food.

Tags: Honey
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