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Cantucci Toscani

Cantucci Toscani

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"Cantucci toscani" are dried biscuits, typical of Tuscany, that are characterized by their traditional oblique shape, which is obtained by cutting the dough diagonally after cooking it.

The origins of this biscuit reach back to the 16th century, and they were much appreciated in the Florentine Medicean court. In 1691 they are mentioned in the first dictionary of the Italian language created by the Academy of the Crusca which defines them as biscuits "in slices, of the best flour, with sugar and egg whites."

They are prepared simply with eggs, sugar, flower, butter, lemon and other aromas, with an abundant dose of whole almonds and hazelnuts.

The true secret though is in the cooking, which should dry the dough without hardening it too much. Moreover, the dough, prepared in the form of a log, needs to be cut right after it is taken from the oven, to prevent it from solidifying and then breaking during cutting.

The biscuits are sweet but not highly caloric because little butter is used. They are crunchy and taste of almonds, and are the perfect way to finish a meal, traditionally accompanied by a good glass of vin santo or by dry or sweet wines.

They should be kept in air-tight containers because they tend to keep hardening with time. One can also find them flavored with chocolate or orange-flavored.

See more: Biscotti
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